About Me
Hello! My name is Sheila Dombroski and for the past 24 years, I have been an auditor. Attention to detail is engrained in me. While I am content with my day job, I’ve always loved English, books, reading, and writing. A few years ago, while going through a major life change, I began reevaluating my life. It was then that I realized that I could combine my keen eye and love for books into a career. Thus, my editing journey began. I received a specialized certificate in copyediting from the University of California San Diego Extension in December 2023.

What Qualifies Me to Be Your Editor?
I hold a specialized certificate in copyediting, receiving A's in all four intense courses and praise from my instructors.
I have been writing and editing audit reports for 20 years.
I have 24 years of audit experience, including writing and editing proposals, guides, manuals, presentations, memos, letters, and work papers.
I have 14 years of experience managing audit projects.
I have been a Certified Fraud Examiner since 2012, tasked with upholding the highest level of ethics, integrity, and accountability.

Interesting (or not) Facts About Me
I love the feel and smell of a book in my hand. Thus, I initially resisted buying an e-reader. I eventually caved because thick books were taking up precious real estate in my daily commute bag. It took some getting used to, but I now love my Kindle. I still love the smell of books though!
I am an exclamation point over user. Note sentence above.
I eat pasta every Friday night. No, I am not Italian.
My favorite season is Spring. There’s just something about that life after death feeling, longer days, and warmer (not hot yet) weather.
I believe in bigfoot. Well, sort of. I guess I should say I believe in the possibility of bigfoot. But I seriously enjoy watching Expedition Bigfoot. I even enjoy the obviously fake bigfoot sighting videos.
My dream is to find a remote cabin in the woods where I can hear only the sounds of nature and sleep and read for days on end.